My Family Story - Select Gedcom file.

Share your Genealogy Research

Put your research into the hands of family!

...and use your data to write biographies


Features of My Family Story

Share your Research

You used a purchased application or a subscriptions to gather your research. Now you want to share your research with your family. To make this possible you have to stay with your subscription service or have your family buy an application. Using the website, your family doesn't have to buy an application or subscribe to a service.

AI Prompt Generator

Having done all this work researching your genealogy. This information is trapped in the software or services that you used. It is also in a format that is difficult to access for the purposes of writing up your ancestry. can make it simple to access the information and put it into a form that can be dropped into an AI LLM (Large Language Model) to generate biographies.

Easy to Use

Easy to use, multiple ways to search, and accessible from any device. Navigate through siblings, marrages, surnames and a family tree.

See these Videos that show how this is done.

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